Кори монтейт из glee

Кори Аллан Майкл Монтейт (англ. Cory Allan Michael Monteith; 11 мая 1982, Калгари — 13 июля 2013, Ванкувер) — канадский актёр и музыкант, наиболее известный по роли Финна Хадсона в американском телевизионном сериале «Хор».


Ранние годы

Кори Монтейт родился 11 мая 1982 года в Калгари, Альберта, Канада в семье Энн Макгрегор и Джо Монтейта и вырос в Виктории, Британская Колумбия. Родители развелись, когда Кори было семь лет, и он вместе со старшим братом Шоном жил с матерью. Он бросил школу после девятого класса и никогда не учился в колледже. Однако весной 2011 года он все же получил диплом в одной из альтернативных школ города Виктории.[1] В последние годы актёр жил в Лос-Анджелесе, где снимался сериал «Хор».

До того как Кори стал актером, он работал таксистом, водителем школьного автобуса, зазывалой в магазине Walmart и кровельщиком.


С 2004 года Монтейт сыграл около 30 ролей в кино и на телевидении. Он появлялся в сериалах «Звёздные врата: Атлантида», «Звёздные врата: SG-1», «Сверхъестественное», «Тайны Смолвиля», «Кайл XY», «Флэш Гордон», фильмах «Пункт назначения 3», «Белый шум 2: Сияние», «Невидимый», «Зверь» и других.

Широкую известность актёру принесла роль члена футбольной команды и солиста школьного хора Финна Хадсона в популярном сериале Райана Мёрфи «Хор», которую он играл с 2009 года.

Монтейт также был ударником и бэк-вокалистом музыкальной группы «Bonnie Dune», созданной в 2005 году[2].

Общественная деятельность

В июне 2011 года Монтейт присоединился к актёрам Джошу Хатчерсону и Эвану Джоджиа и стал лицом кампании «Straight But Not Narrow», направленной на борьбу с гомофобией и повышение толерантности к секс-меньшинствам среди гетеросексуальных подростков[3][4].

В 2011, Кори, а также его несколько коллег по сериалу «Хор», присоединились к благотворительной организации «The Young Storytellers Foundation», где дети с различных публичных американских школ могли написать свои собственные истории и посмотреть на то, как их воплощают в жизнь на разных выступлениях.

В мае 2012 года Кори Монтейт вместе с Ричардом Брэнсоном пожертвовали 25,000 долларов и присоединились к благотворительной организации под названием «Project Limelight», которая включала в себя различные бесплатные программы для детей с риском жизни. Эти программы включали в себя познавание с творчеством, музыкой, театром, пением и т. д.

Немного позднее в 2012 году, Кори Монтейт посетил «11th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball», где находился в сопровождении его девушки и коллеги по телесериалу «Хор», Лиа Мишель. 11th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball — балл, проведенный в честь организации «Chrysalis», некоммерческой благотворительной организации, которая занимается помощью для бездомных малообеспеченных лиц, предоставляя им необходимые ресурсы и поддержку для того, чтобы найти для них работу и место жилья.

Личная жизнь

С июня 2011 встречался с Мэллори Матош.[5]

В январе 2012 года Кори подтвердил, что встречается с партнёршей по сериалу «Хор» Лией Мишель[6][7].

Проблемы с наркотиками и смерть

Кори имел проблемы с наркотиками с раннего детства. Уже к 19 годам, по признанию актера, он перепробовал все. Опасаясь за его жизнь, в дело вмешались друзья и мать. И именно тогда он впервые отправился в реабилитационный центр, однако после возвращения продолжил делать, что делал. После того, как Кори в очередной раз украл крупную сумму денег у одного из членов своей семьи, ему был поставлен ультиматум: либо об этом инциденте сообщают в полицию, либо он бросает наркотики. «Я знал, что меня поймают, но я был в таком отчаянии, что меня ничего не волновало. Это был крик о помощи. И когда они все узнали, я сказал да, это сделал я. И эта была первая правдивая вещь, которую я сказал за последние годы». Монтейт переезжает с другом семьи в канадский городок Нанаймо и получает работу кровельщика, начиная процесс восстановления в жизни[8].

13 июля 2013 года Монтейт был найден мёртвым в своем номере на 21 этаже в отеле «Pacific Rim Hotel» в Ванкувере. Тело было найдено работниками отеля около полудня по местному времени[9][10]. Вскрытие показало, что причиной смерти стало токсическое отравление организма после употребления героина в смеси с алкоголем[11]. За три месяца до смерти Монтейт обращался в реабилитационный центр для избавления от наркотической зависимости, откуда вышел 26 апреля[12]. 16 июля после прощальной церемонии для близких тело Монтейта было кремировано[13].





Биография Править

Кори Монтейт родился 11 мая 1982 года в Калгари, Альберта, Канада в семье Энн Макгрегор и Джо Монтейта и вырос в Виктории, Британская Колумбия. Родители развелись, когда Кори было семь лет, и он вместе со старшим братом Шоном жил с матерью. Он бросил школу после девятого класса и никогда не учился в колледже. Однако весной 2011 года он все же получил диплом в одной из альтернативных школ города Виктории.[1] В последние годы актёр жил в Лос-Анджелесе, где снимался сериал «Хор».

До того как Кори стал актером, он работал таксистом, водителем школьного автобуса, зазывалой в магазине Walmart и кровельщиком.

Личная жизнь Править

С июня 2011 встречался с Мэллори Матош.[2]

В январе 2012 года Кори подтвердил, что встречается с партнёршей по сериалу «Хор» Лией Мишель[3][4].

Карьера Править

С 2004 года Монтейт сыграл около 30 ролей в кино и на телевидении. Он появлялся в сериалах «Звёздные врата: Атлантида», «Звёздные врата: SG-1», «Сверхъестественное», «Тайны Смолвиля», «Кайл XY», «Флэш Гордон», фильмах «Пункт назначения 3», «Белый шум 2: Сияние», «Невидимый», «Зверь» и других.

Широкую известность актёру принесла роль члена футбольной команды и солиста школьного хора Финна Хадсона в популярном сериале Райана Мёрфи «Хор», которую он играл с 2009 года.

Монтейт также был ударником и бэк-вокалистом музыкальной группы «Bonnie Dune», созданной в 2005 году[5].

Общественная деятельность Править

Кори Монтейт на вручении премии GLAAD Media Awards в 2010 году

В июне 2011 года Монтейт присоединился к актёрам Джошу Хатчерсону и Эвану Джоджиа и стал лицом кампании «Straight But Not Narrow», направленной на борьбу с гомофобией и повышение толерантности к секс-меньшинствам среди гетеросексуальных подростков[6][7].

Благотворительность Править

В 2011, Кори, а также его несколько коллег по сериалу «Хор», присоединились к благотворительной организации «The Young Storytellers Foundation», где дети с различных публичных американских школ могли написать свои собственные истории и посмотреть на то, как их воплощают в жизнь на разных выступлениях.

В мае 2012 года Кори Монтейт вместе с Ричардом Брэнсоном пожертвовали 25,000 долларов и присоединились к благотворительной организации под названием «Project Limelight», которая включала в себя различные бесплатные программы для детей с риском жизни. Эти программы включали в себя познавание с творчеством, музыкой, театром, пением и т. д.

Немного позднее в 2012 году, Кори Монтейт посетил «11th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball», где находился в сопровождении его девушки и коллеги по телесериалу «Хор», Лиа Мишель. 11th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball — балл, проведенный в честь организации «Chrysalis», некоммерческой благотворительной организации, которая занимается помощью для бездомных малообеспеченных лиц, предоставляя им необходимые ресурсы и поддержку для того, чтобы найти для них работу и место жилья.

Проблемы с наркотиками и смерть Править

Кори имел проблемы с наркотиками с раннего детства. Уже к 19 годам, по признанию актера, он перепробовал все. Опасаясь за его жизнь, в дело вмешались друзья и мать. И именно тогда он впервые отправился вреабилитационный центр, однако после возвращения продолжил делать, что делал. После того, как Кори в очередной раз украл крупную сумму денег у одного из членов своей семьи, ему был поставлен ультиматум: либо об этом инциденте сообщают в полицию, либо он бросает наркотики. «Я знал, что меня поймают, но я был в таком отчаянии, что меня ничего не волновало. Это был крик о помощи. И когда они все узнали, я сказал да, это сделал я. И эта была первая правдивая вещь, которую я сказал за последние годы». Монтейт переезжает с другом семьи в канадский городок Нанаймо и получает работу кровельщика, начиная процесс восстановления в жизни[8].

13 июля 2013 года Монтейт был найден мёртвым в своем номере на 21 этаже в отеле «Pacific Rim Hotel» в Ванкувере. Тело было найдено работниками отеля около полудня по местному времени[9][10]. Вскрытие показало, что причиной смерти стало токсическое отравление организма после употребления героина в смеси с алкоголем[11]. За три месяца до смерти Монтейт обращался в реабилитационный центр для избавления от наркотической зависимости, откуда вышел 26 апреля[12]. 16 июля после прощальной церемонии для близких тело Монтейта было кремировано[13].

Фильмография Править

ГодРусское названиеОригинальное названиеРоль2004сЗвёздные врата: Атлантида Stargate AtlantisСолдат дженаев
2005тфУбийственный удар Killer BashДуглас Харт
2005сЮные мушкетёры StarYoung BladesМарсель Ле Рю
2005сСверхъестественное SupernaturalГари
2005сТайны Смолвиля SmallvilleFrat Cowboy
2005сАномалии Killer InstinctВиндсёрфер Боб
2006фКровавая Мэри Bloody MaryПол Цукерман
2006фПункт назначения 3 Final Destination 3Кахилл
2006сУистлер WhistlerLip Ring
2006сЗвёздные врата: SG-1 Stargate SG-1Молодой Митчелл
2006тфКракен: Щупальца из глубины Kraken: Tentacles of the DeepМайкл
2006фДобро пожаловать, или Соседям вход воспрещён Deck the Hallsпарень Мэдисон
2006—2007сКайл XY Kyle XYЧарли Таннер
2007тфЗверь HybridАарон Скэйтс
2007фБелый шум 2: Сияние White Noise: The LightПарень на скутере
2007корПропавшие GoneДэвис Колдер
2007фНевидимый The InvisibleДжимми
2007фШёпот WhisperПодросток
2007сФлэш Гордон Flash GordonИэн Финли
2007сКая KayaГаннер
2008сСтрах как он есть Fear ItselfДжеймс
2008тфМальчик по соседству The Boy Next DoorДжейсон
2009сХозяйки MistressesДжейсон
2009сАссистенты The AssistantsШэйн Бейкер
2009—2013сХор GleeФинн Хадсон
2009сAustralian Idol Australian IdolИграет самого себя
2010сСимпсоны The SimpsonsФлинн (голос)
2010сX-Фактор The X FactorФинн Хадсон/играет самого себя
2010сAmerican Idol American IdolИграет самого себя
2011фКак научиться флиртовать Wannabe MacksСтю
2011фМонте-Карло Monte CarloОуэн
2011фСестры и братья Sisters & BrothersДжастин
2011фХор: Живой концерт в 3D Glee: The 3D Concert MovieФинн Хадсон
2012фKARtv KARtvФинн Хадсон
2012сThe Glee Project The Glee ProjectИграет самого себя
2013фВсе неправильные причины All The Wrong Reasons[14]Джеймс
2013ф«Хор» в Радио-сити-мьюзик-холл Glee Live! at Radio City Music HallФинн Хадсон
2013фМакКаник McCanick[15]Саймон Викс

Источник: Википедия

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, если не указано иное.


Cory Allan Michael Monteith (May 11, 1982 – July 13, 2013) was a Canadian actor, singer, and drummer. He was renownedly known for his role as Finn Hudson on Glee.

Personal life

Monteith was born in Calgary, Alberta to Ann McGregor and Joe Monteith. He has an older brother named Shaun. He grew up in Victoria, British Columbia.[1] His parents divorced when he was 7, and by 13, Monteith—once a promising student who at age 5 could read at a fourth-grade level—was skipping school to get drunk and smoke pot.

Monteith estimates that by the age of 16, when he quit for good, he had attended 12 different schools, including alternative programs for troubled teens.[1] At that point, Monteith turned to drugs.[1] He got his act together and began having odd jobs, which included being a roofer, Wal-Mart greeter, school bus driver, and taxi cab driver.

Читайте также:  Кори после топ модели

He reunited with his father for the first time in 17 years in late 2009.[1]

Monteith received a high school diploma from an alternative school he attended in Victoria, British Columbia in the spring 2011.[1]

Monteith’s mother and a group of friends staged an intervention when he was 19 after he “used anything and everything.” The rehab treatment was unsuccessful and he went back to his old habits.[1] After stealing a significant amount of money from a family member, and being caught, he was given an ultimatum: Get clean, or the family member would report him to the police and press charges. Choosing the get clean option, Monteith moved in with a family friend in the small Canadian city of Nanaimo, where he quit using drugs, got a job as a roofer and began the process of rebuilding his life.[1]

Monteith had admitted himself into a treatment facility for substance addiction on March 31, 2013.[2] The treatment was reported to be completed on April 26, 2013.[3]

Monteith was found dead in a room at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel in Vancouver, Canada on July 13, 2013.[4] His autopsy was held on July 15, and it was confirmed that his death was caused by toxic combination of heroin and alcohol.[5]

Monteith had been in a relationship with ‘’Glee’’ co-star, Lea Michele, until his unexpected death in July 2013.[6] He and Michele briefly dated at the beginning of Glee, but «no one really caught on.»[7] They officially became a couple by late 2011.[7]

Monteith was privately cremated on July 16, 2013, in attendance was Michele, his mother, and his brother.[8] On October 3, 2013, the coroner’s report was released to reveal that his death was accidental. He also had codeine and morphine in system, and drug paraphernalia was found at the scene, along with two empty champagne bottles.[9]

Following his death, Michele added a new song to her album titled «If You Say So,» which had been his last words to her. The song is about Michele’s reaction to the news of his death, and was co-written by singer Sia Furler.[7]

Michele confirmed in December 2013 that she and Monteith had secret, matching tattoos.

In April 2017, Michele wrote another song about Monteith, stating it is a follow up from her previous song about him, «If You Say So», including the lyrics about his final days, saying his final days were the hardest, but she didn’t think they would be his last.[10]


Monteith had a stint as the drummer in the band, Porchlife, in 2001.[11]Porchlife was based out of Victoria, Canada and he mentioned it once in an interview with GQ.[12] The band recorded six songs and only one was released for public — until December 2013.[12][13] A person managed to «get in contact with someone who had all of the songs recorded by the band,» and that person released the songs on their tumblr page in order to share with the fandom.[12]

He played minor roles in Final Destination 3, Whisper and Deck the Halls, had a recurring role in Kyle XY and also appeared in Smallville, Supernatural, and Flash Gordon. In 2007, he starred in the MTV series Kaya. In 2009, Monteith was cast in the Fox series Glee, playing Finn Hudson, the male lead of the glee club and the quarterback of William McKinley High School. For his audition tape, he drummed on Tupperware using unsharpened pencils. The first time he sang in front of an audience was at his in-person audition, at which he sang «Honesty» by Billy Joel. He and Lea Michele, his Glee co-star, were included in Entertainment Weekly’s 2009 «Summer Must List,» being named «Summer’s Must Songbirds» for their portrayals of Finn and Rachel on Glee, respectively.

In 2011, he starred alongside Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, and Katie Cassidy in the comedy movie Monte Carlo.


2004 Stargate AtlantisGenii PrivateEpisode: «The Storm»
2005 Killer BashDouglas Waylan HartTV movie
Young BladesMarcel Le RueEpisode: «To Heir Is Human»
SupernaturalGaryEpisode: «Wendigo»
Killer InstinctWindsurfer BobEpisode: «Forget Me Not»
SmallvilleFrat CowboyEpisode: «Thirst»
2006 Bloody MaryPaul Zuckerman
Final Destination 3Kahill
Deck the HallsMadison’s Date
WhistlerLip RingEpisode: «The Burden of Truth»
Stargate SG-1Young MitchellEpisode: «200»
Kraken: Tentacles of the DeepMichaelTV movie
2006–2007 Kyle XYCharlie Tanner7 episodes
2007Flash GordonIan FinleyEpisode: «Life Source»
HybridAaron ScatesTV movie
KayaGunnar10 episodes
White Noise 2: The LightScooter Guy
GoneDavis CalderShort Film
The InvisibleJimmy
WhisperTeenage Boy
2008Fear ItselfJamesEpisode: «New Year’s Day»
The Boy Next DoorJasonTV movie
2009MistressesJasonTV movie
The AssistantsShane BakerEpisodes: «Rehab,» «The Star»
2009–2013 GleeFinn HudsonMain role
2010The SimpsonsFlynnVoice role, Episode «Elementary School Musical»
2011The Cleveland ShowFinn HudsonVoice role, Episode «How Do You Solve a Problem Like Roberta?»
2011 Breaking the Girl
2011 Monte CarloOwen
2012The Glee ProjectHimself
2013 All The Wrong ReasonsJames Ascher
2013 McCanickSimon Weeks

Awards and Nominations


I wonder if, in China, they have Canada Town. Am I the first person who has thought that before?

—Cory Monteith

Evolved? As a dancer? Me? I don’t fall down as much, unless it’s part of the scripted dance. I don’t step on other people’s toes anymore. I think if I started the show a one out of ten dancer, now I am a two and a half.

—Cory Monteith

Instant hard on.

—Cory Monteith

I figure the only reason people get up this early is to prove a point or fly to New York.

—Cory Monteith, on waking up at 5AM

There is a way out. You never know what’s in store for you.

—Cory Monteith

Best advice my mom gave me? Believe in yourself. Work hard. Never stop hustlin’.

—Cory Monteith

Finchel Is Forever.

—Cory Monteith

Love is how you stay alive even after you’re gone.

—Cory Monteith

Just be you, that’s good enough for me.

—Cory Monteith


  • He was 6 feet, 3 inches tall.
  • His zodiac sign was Taurus.
  • He had one older brother named Shaun Monteith.
  • His hobbies included snowboarding and traveling.
  • He started playing drums when he was 7.
  • He played drums for the indie band called Bonnie Dune.
  • His audition song for Glee was Honesty by Billy Joel.
  • He liked Italian Food.
  • The first time he cried like a little girl was a production of Equus.
  • His favorite color was blue.
  • His favorite sports were hockey and basketball.
  • His first car was a 1972 Dodge Colt.
  • He wanted to go to Eastern Europe.
  • His favorite game was Call of Duty 4.
  • He often joked with Lea Michele about marrying each other, such as when they said that they were taking pictures for their «save the date» wedding. At one time, they let it slip that Glee was like their little baby.
  • He was the one who gave Lea Michele her twitter name. (@msleamichele)
  • He loved using the flipcam.
  • He was good friends with Lea, Dianna, and Mark.
  • He had a tribal tattoo on his upper arm.
  • His Twitter name was @frankenteen, which had been a nickname given to Finn in Acafellas by character Dakota Stanley, but he changed it to @CoryMonteith.
  • He had earrings when he was 17.
  • He was on the cover of Gay Parade.
  • He supported Vancouver Canucks & was a proud Canadian.
  • Lea Michele sometimes called him CoMo (Cory/Monteith), according to a tweet.
  • He went all naked for the film «Bloody Mary.»
  • He was able to do an Australian Accent.
  • He once played a prank on Lea. He told Lea that she accidently scratched his car with her car, but the scratch on Cory’s car was actually a sticker. When he peeled it off, Lea threw a sandwich at him.
  • He played a character similar to Finn on The Simpsons.
  • He was the Grand Marshall at the Grey Cup Parade in Vancouver, BC.
  • He had colored his hair to hide his gray hair.
  • He had a very unnoticeable stutter in some interviews.
  • Hosted the 2012 GLAAD awards with co-star, Naya Rivera.
  • He used to be blonde as a kid.
  • He was the tallest Glee Cast member.
  • He thought Lea Michele has the best body of all the Glee Cast. He also thought she was the nerdiest of the cast.
  • He was also known as the dorkiest glee cast member.
  • He once went to a tanning salon.
  • He didn’t take a shower for a week due to camping.
  • He was a drummer in a band called Bonnie Dune.
  • He was closest to his mom.
  • His dream trip was some where in Eastern Europe.
  • He was a baritone but has hit the tenor C twice in Time Warp and Marry You.
  • He was described by fellow castmate Darren Criss as «a gentleman and a scholar.»
  • He was rated #60 on «BuddyTV’s Sexiest Men of 2012.» Source
  • He was a guest mentor on The Glee Project, episode 3 «Vulnerability.»
  • He presented with the Olympic Gymnast Gabby Douglas award for ‘Favorite Male Athlete’ at 26th Kids’ Choice Awards 2013.
  • His favorite curse word was «f**k».
  • The Westboro Baptist Church — a religious hate group- wanted to protest against his funeral, however, fortunately, Cory’s funeral was in Canada, and Canada set up an entry ban to keep the WBC out, so therefore, they didn’t show up.





Cory Allan Michael Monteith (; May 11, 1982 – July 13, 2013) was a Canadian actor, singer, and musician who was best known for his role as Finn Hudson on the Fox television series Glee. As an actor based in British Columbia, Monteith had minor roles on television series before being cast on Glee. Following his success in that show, Monteith’s film work included Monte Carlo and a starring role in Sisters & Brothers (both 2011).

Monteith had a troubled adolescence involving substance abuse from age 13; he left school at age 16. After an intervention by family and friends, he entered drug rehabilitation at age 19. In a 2011 interview with Parade magazine, he discussed his history of substance abuse as a teen, and in March 2013, he again sought treatment for addiction. On July 13, 2013, he died of a toxic combination of heroin and alcohol in a Vancouver hotel room.

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Early years[edit]

Monteith was born in Calgary, Alberta, on May 11, 1982,[1] the younger son of Ann McGregor, an interior decorator, and Joe Monteith, a military man who served in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.[2][3] He had an older brother named Shaun. Monteith’s parents divorced when he was seven years old,[4] and he and his older brother were raised by their mother in Victoria, British Columbia.[5] After the divorce he saw little of his father due to military service, and he had social difficulties at school. From age 13, he used alcohol and marijuana and started being truant from school.[6]

After attending 16 schools,[7] including alternative programs for troubled teens, Monteith dropped out altogether at age 16. By that time, his drug and alcohol dependency had increased and Monteith turned to petty crimes, such as stealing money from friends and family, to fund his addictions.[5] His mother and a group of friends staged an intervention when he was 19, and he began attending a rehabilitation program.[5] Monteith stated, «I’m lucky on so many counts. I’m lucky to be alive.»[8] He eventually received his high school diploma in 2009 from an alternative school he attended in his youth in Victoria.[6]

Before breaking into show business, Monteith worked various jobs, including Walmart people greeter, taxicab driver, mechanic, school bus driver, roofer, and a drummer for a few bands.[6][9][10][11][12]


Monteith began his acting career in Vancouver, British Columbia. He played minor roles in Final Destination 3, Whisper, and Deck the Halls. He had a recurring role in Kyle XY.[7] He also made guest appearances in television serials such as Smallville, Supernatural, Flash Gordon, Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate SG-1.[10] In 2005, he appeared in Killer Bash, about a tormented geek’s soul that was taking revenge on his murderer’s children by taking over a girl’s twin body. The following year, he made a brief appearance in Urban Legend: a Bloody Mary (film), cast as Paul. After Maureen Webb suggested Cory take acting classes; Monteith started acting classes with Anthony Meindl.[13] In 2007, he starred in the MTV series Kaya as Gunnar.[14] In April 2010, Monteith was cast in the romantic comedy movie Monte Carlo.[15] In December 2010, it was announced that Monteith would be starring in and co-producing a new untitled workplace-caper comedy for Fox 2000.[16]

In January 2011, Monteith shot the film Sisters & Brothers with Dustin Milligan, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2011.[17][18]
Canadian director Gia Milani’s film All The Wrong Reasons stars Monteith as «a big box department store manager whose wife is struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder.» Milani suggests he was excited to play his own age, in a «heavy role.» He filmed his part on weekdays, flying to Los Angeles on weekends to do promotional work for Glee.[19]

In 2011, Monteith filmed a PSA for Straight But Not Narrow, an online PSA organization aimed at changing the minds of young straight people in their attitude and viewpoint towards the LGBT community.[20] In 2012, he hosted the 23rd GLAAD Media Awards in New York City with co-star Naya Rivera.[21]
On August 8, 2010, he co-hosted the Teen Choice Awards.[22] Monteith hosted the Gemini Awards in Toronto on November 13, 2010.[23]


In 2009, Monteith was cast in the Fox series Glee. He portrayed Finn Hudson. When Glee was being cast, Monteith’s agent, Elena Kirschner, submitted a video of him drumming with some pencils and Tupperware containers. Series creator Ryan Murphy took notice of the video, but pointed out that he had to be singing, as auditioning actors for Glee with no theatrical experience were required to prove they could sing and dance as well as act.[24][25] Monteith submitted a second, musical tape, in which he sang, in his own words, «a cheesy ’80s music video-style version» of REO Speedwagon’s «Can’t Fight This Feeling».[25] He then attended a mass audition in Los Angeles; his vocal skills were considered weak, but he later performed very well with one of Glee‘s casting directors, who said that his audition captured the most elusive quality of Finn’s: his «naive, but not stupid, sweetness.»[24] Monteith said of his casting process, «I was like a lot of kids, looking for something to be interested in. Something to be passionate about. All you need is permission. Not only for Glee, but for anything in life.»[24]

Finn is the star quarterback of his high school football team, and risks alienation from his friends by joining the school’s glee club. He is a popular jock at the top of the school’s social hierarchy, but when forced to join the glee club, he finds he loves it. His storylines have seen him struggle with his decision to stay in the club, which is at the bottom of the social ladder, while he maintains his popular reputation and the respect of the other jocks. The character must deal with his attraction to both head cheerleader Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron) and glee club star singer Rachel Berry (Lea Michele), and his storylines increasingly focus on his relationship with them both.

Monteith felt that Finn had to «grow up a lot» during his time on the show. The actor said, «Finn started off as the stereotypical dumb jock but as the show has gone on, Finn’s not dumb anymore, really, he’s just a little naïve».[26] Early reviews of Finn from television critics were mixed; Emily VanDerWerff of The A.V. Club said that he and Michele were «both agreeable and a little desperate for an outlet» in the pilot episode.[27] Commenting on the fifth episode of the first season, Eric Goldman of IGN wrote, «We got to see a bit of a darker side to Finn […] it’s good to see this, because up until now, Finn’s been a bit too strait-laced to totally invest in».[28] In the second season’s eighth episode, «Furt», Tim Stack of Entertainment Weekly noted «It’s been a while since we’ve gotten some Finn focus, and I think I just missed Cory Monteith. But I also forgot what a good, natural actor he can be».[29] Monteith as Finn won the 2011 Teen Choice Award for Choice TV: Actor Comedy, the same category he had been nominated for in 2010.[30] Although he was not a singer before being cast as Finn, Monteith sang lead or joint lead on a large number of songs on the show.

In May 2010, the cast of Glee went on a two-week live tour with stops in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Chicago, and New York City.[31] The cast performed hits from the show and several skits between songs. The following May, the cast went on a second tour with mostly new songs and all-new skits, performing for four weeks in the U.S. and Canada, and 11 days in England and Ireland.[32][33]

On July 20, 2013, Ryan Murphy stated in various media outlets that Monteith was set to have a tribute in the third episode of season five, which also dealt with the death of his character, Finn Hudson.[34]

Personal life[edit]

Monteith began working with American actress Lea Michele in 2008, when they were cast as love interests on Glee.[35] In early 2012, the media reported that they had begun dating.[36][37][38] They remained together until his death a year and a half later.[39][40] In December 2013, a few months after Monteith’s death, Lea Michele stated that he was a very private person.[41] Michele has released a number of songs about Monteith since his death. These include «If You Say So», which Michele began writing a week after his death and references the last words he said to her,[42] and «Hey You», a follow-up to «If You Say So», released in April 2017.[43]

Substance abuse[edit]

On March 31, 2013, Monteith’s publicist announced that Monteith had admitted himself into a treatment facility for substance addiction.[44] He had previously received substance abuse treatment, when he was 19, following a history of drug use that began around the age of 13.[45] According to Glee co-creator Ryan Murphy, Monteith’s admission to rehab in March resulted from an emergency intervention on the Paramount lot, in which Murphy and other members of the Glee cast and crew urged Monteith to accompany doctors to the rehab facility, which had been arranged by the show. Monteith agreed, and was consequently written out of the final two episodes of Glee’s fourth season after being assured that he would still have his job upon his return.[46] On April 26, 2013, it was reported that Monteith had completed his treatment.[47]

At the time of his death, Monteith was living in Los Angeles, where Glee was filmed.[48][49]

Death and impact[edit]

On Saturday, July 13, 2013, at the age of 31, Monteith was found dead in his room at the Fairmont Pacific Rim hotel in Vancouver. He was scheduled to check out that day following a seven-night stay, but when he failed to do so, hotel staff entered his room and discovered his body around noon. The Vancouver Police Department stated that the cause of death was not immediately apparent, but ruled out foul play.[50] An autopsy was completed by the British Columbia Coroners Service on July 15.[51] The preliminary autopsy report stated that Monteith died from «a mixed drug toxicity» consisting of heroin and alcohol,[52][53] and that his death appeared to have been accidental.[54] The final report, released by the British Columbia Coroners Service on October 2, 2013, confirmed these findings. It noted that Monteith also had codeine and morphine in his system at the time of his death, and that he was found with drug paraphernalia that included a spoon with drug residue and a used hypodermic needle, as well as two empty bottles of champagne. The coroner wrote that Monteith had experienced intermittent periods of drug abuse and abstinence throughout his life, and that «after a period of cessation from opioid drug use, a previously tolerated drug concentration level may become toxic and fatal.»[55] His stay in rehab only months before his death, and his attempt to stay off drugs, was responsible for his lowered tolerance to the drug.[56]

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Monteith’s body was cremated in Vancouver on July 17, following a private viewing by his immediate family and girlfriend, Lea Michele.[57] On July 25, Michele and Glee creator Ryan Murphy held a celebration of life for Monteith in Los Angeles, attended by cast, crew, and creators of the show, as well as colleagues from the show’s network and studio.[58] After consultation with Michele, who also plays Monteith’s love interest on Glee, showrunners postponed production of Glee’s fifth season to August rather than late July. Consequently, the season premiered a week later than planned.[46] The season’s third episode, «The Quarterback», aired on October 10, 2013, and served as a tribute to Monteith, focusing on the death of his character Finn Hudson.[59] The show then began a brief hiatus,[46] which lasted until November 7, 2013,[59] due to the extra time that was needed to decide how to proceed with the show following the death.[46] After «The Quarterback» aired, Murphy noted that he had decided to «keep mentioning Finn…We don’t just say this is done and we’re never going to go back to it, so that resonates throughout the year.»[59]

The 65th Primetime Emmy Awards, held on September 22, 2013, featured an extended tribute to Monteith by his Glee co-star Jane Lynch, along with four other actors who died in 2013.[60] He was also featured in the «In Memoriam» segment of the 56th Grammy Awards.

Shortly after his death, Glee fans raised money to «name a star» for Monteith, after being inspired by a scene featuring his character on Glee.[61]




Awards and nominations[edit]



  1. ^ Judd, Amy (July 14, 2013). «Notice of death of Monteith». Globalnews.ca. Retrieved July 21, 2013.
  2. ^ Gatehouse, Jonathon (November 15, 2010). «Profile of Joe Monteith». Maclean’s. Retrieved July 21, 2013.
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  7. ^ a b The Cast of Glee Inside the Actors Studio on YouTube, Retrieved May 15, 2013
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  14. ^ «Kaya Cory Monteith (as Gunnar)». MTV. Retrieved July 15, 2013.
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  58. ^ Goldberg, Lesley (July 25, 2013). «‘Glee’ Cast, Creators Remember Cory Monteith With ‘Emotional Celebration'». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 25, 2013.
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  76. ^ DeNinno, Nadine (August 20, 2012). «Do Something Awards 2012: Winners And Best Dressed at VH1?s Annual Charitable Award Show». Ib Times. Retrieved July 15, 2013.

External links[edit]

  • Cory Monteith on IMDb
  • Cory Monteith on Twitter
  • Cory Monteith at Find a Grave
