Книга кори тейлора you re making me hate you

Фронтмен SLIPKNOT костерит современное общество и размышляет о пришельцах, которые спасаются бегством

Новая книга фронтмена SLIPKNOT и STONE SOUR Кори Тейлора под названием «You’re Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look At The Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left» выйдет 7 июля в издательстве Da Capo Press (отделение Perseus Books Group). В преддверии релиза Кори презентовал отрывок труда на сайте газеты TheGuardian.com, ну а мы попытались его перевести.

Музыка, ТВ, кино, интернет, книги (да-да, те самые, что ваши дети скачивают на свой Kindle Fires). Куда ни глянь – везде развлечение, и оно падает под тяжестью собственного мусора. Я перефразирую Майкла Бэя, который лучше всего резюмировал мою мысль, когда заявил критикам, что ему насрать на их мнение о последних «Трансформерах». Он сказал: «Короче, вы все увидите» — и оказался прав. Это был первый фильм 2014 года, переваливший отметку в $100 миллионов за первый уик-энд в США. Бэй может продолжать снимать это чертово дерьмо, пока не решит заморозить себя, чтобы пережить будущее. Это не имеет никакого значения. Лемминги направятся к обрыву без тени мысли в глазах, прежде чем почувствуют свист ветра на размытых лицах и рухнут на дно каньона. Эти лемминги — мы с вами. В зависимости от позиций, наши чувства по поводу развлечений могут быть либо ветром, толкающим лица, либо землей, продавливающей черепа. Как ни крути, мы в жопе.

Раньше говорили: «Дерьмо случается». Я добавлял: «Дерьмо случается, только не позволяйте ему случаться рядом с собой». Теперь, с дорогой в жизни и жизнью в дороге пришло время сказать: «ДЕРЬМО ПРОДАЕТСЯ». Это истина – вы все любите свое дерьмо. От производимой музыки, пустых гламурных фильмов и роликов в интернете, которые показывают наш идиотизм, до зависимости от искажающих реальность телепередач – эта поговорка становится фактом. Люди, штампующие это дерьмо, знают свою аудиторию. Они знают, что вы будете покупать, смотреть и слушать это дерьмо, если добавить порядком блеска. Они считают вас тупицами, и это их не заботит. Они с радостью продолжат высасывать содержание и малейший намек на мысль из своего продукта, постоянно сокращая затраты, чтобы получить наибольший выхлоп. Все вокруг и есть продукт. Нет искусства, нет сердца, нет цели, нет души – только полнейший мусор для вашего удовольствия. Если бы я был тобой, я бы оскорбился. Но я не оскорблен, потому что я не покупаю это дерьмо. Я бойкотирую его.

Хотите быть лучшего мнения о себе? Хотите доказать, что не потребляете дерьмо? Так берите плакат и присоединяйтесь в моем бойкоте. Сделайте заявление, которое не будет иметь ничего общего с голосованием на копающемся в говне шоу «Голос» (The Voice). Тщательно выбирайте фильмы, а не бросайтесь на все подряд для «молодых взрослых» (YA, young adult), где актеры выходят с Лемон Фейсом (Lemon Face). Избегайте клипов про промежности и компиляций «Живем только раз» на отстойниках вроде YouTube, Vine, Insta. Кормите мозг чем-нибудь кроме пустого хаоса и посредственной бессмыслицы. Испытайте себя, прочитайте книгу без картинок. Найдите шоу, которое отыщет хоть какое-нибудь вещество в вашем мозгу и заставит его работать. Слушайте музыку, где есть что-то еще кроме тысячи повторений слова «Baby». Мозг и интеллект значат не меньше, чем ваше тело. Если вы их кормите, они расцветают и крепнут. Если ты жрешь только пустые калории из бистро, однажды наступит момент, когда ты начнешь дышать через рот, а костяшки твоих пальцев упрутся в бетон, пока ты пытаешься добраться до центра трудоустройства.

Спросите себя: Если мы поубиваем друг друга или достигнем такой технологической точки, когда сможем покинуть планету, что найдут пришельцы, просеявшие обломки нашей цивилизации через эоны лет? Хотите, чтобы нас судили по Баху или Биберу? Чтобы читали Гюго или «Летнюю поваренную книгу» The View? Кого они будут считать величайшим человеком, Стивена Хокинга или Джонни Мэнзела? Не решат ли они на основании увиденного прикончить каждого из нас, чтобы мы не распространяли это шутовство по космосу? Или они окинут взором весь оставленный мусор, созерцая наше дерьмо, потрут свои щупальца и скажут: «Серьезно? ЭТО по вашему мнению хорошо?».

Да, меня волнует, что о нас подумают пришельцы. И, нет, я не древний космонавт-теоретик. Я не думаю, что нас посетит продвинутый вид существ. Я не думаю, что они строят заговор с целью вторжения. Мне кажется, если они наблюдают, то согласятся со мной: Интересно, какого ляда вы, люди, так загипнотизированы этими нелепыми развлечениями. Они сидят в своих космических кораблях, смотрят на наши привычки и приходят к выводу, что мы все – обезьяны в дизайнерских шмотках. Они думают, что мы конченные дебилы. Их поражает, что мы вообще в состоянии кормить себя и строить укрытия при всей глупости, которой себя подвергаем. Но хуже всего тот факт, что наша глупость заразительна. Им кажется, что если они спустятся к нам, чтобы установить контакт, есть вероятность поймать тот же «вирус пустоты». Это угрожает жизни… ладно, то, что они называют своими фекалиями, пугает их больше всего. И эти удивительные существа за пределами нашей способности восприятия оставляют нас. Они уходят на карантин и не вернутся, пока дом не опустеет, пока не погаснут огни. И только тогда они заглянут вновь, чтобы проверить, остались ли еще «тупые» порывы. Они сохраняют дистанцию, и это меня разочаровывает. Я действительно хочу, чтобы они вернулись и забрали меня с собой. Какая бы раковая опухоль не угрожала этому миру, я ни при чем.

Мировой коэффициент IQ приближается к одной цифре. Люди смотрят в никуда своим глянцевым и стеклянным взглядом. Самое ужасное, что я устал с ними бороться. Кто мне поможет?



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Start your review of You’re Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look at the Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left

Sep 05, 2014


rated it
really liked it

…cant people just not fucking suck as human beings once in a while? […] People have just as much capacity to be good as they do to be shit. Its a choice. People make choices. So they need to make better fucking choices.

Being that this is Corey Taylors third book you think Id be used to his absolutely impeccable way of putting into words all the bitching and complaining that runs through my head, but I am. Like all the times when Im confronted with the idiocy of this planet be it by their


Dec 30, 2015


rated it
really liked it

4.5 or 4.75 just not reaching 5 stars

I have had a prolonged toughtful session as to what should I write for a review to this book. I mean I don’t think I could simply write anyhing down here without thinking about the possibility that Mr. Taylor there would by some chance come across it and think I am another dumb soul who walks this earth. And I am telling ya, you do not want this man out of anyone else to think you’re dumb, or get mad at/because of you. He will rip your dignity and every


Aug 08, 2016


rated it
it was amazing

Corey has done it.
I always thought that Bernard Black is my spirit guide, but now I’m starting to think that maybe Corey is one. Or maybe they can guide me both? I really hope so.

Читайте также:  Гликогеноз iii типа болезнь кори

Oh sush you, Bernard. You’ll do just fine.

Corey is a very verbose author, and this time I don’t mean it like an accusation. He’s not like Hardy, who puts you to sleep every single time you open his books.
He’s verbose, but also he’s hilarious and wicked smart.
He speaks all the things you think but never say out loud.


Jul 04, 2015


rated it
it was amazing

Corey Taylor has done it again. This book is more aggressive and opinionated than his first two books, and he calls this one his «Angry Old Man book.» It’s definitely angry. AND HILARIOUS.

This book is not for the masses or for people who have issues with vulgar language. I would definitely recommend it to fans of Slipknot and Stone Sour as well as heavy metal/hard rock fans in general.

Corey Taylor basically uses this book to rant about all the things people do that he absolutely hates. Each


Jun 03, 2016


rated it
it was ok

There are moments when Taylor is genuinely funny: «show me on the doll where that makes any sense» and «…makes me want to kill penguins in front of children,» are examples of his colorful language that earn genuine guffaws. But he’s a one-trick pony without the depth or dynamism of other famous ranters (ie.: Dennis Miller, George Carlin). This collection of essays is already short, but each chapter could be trimmed by half.

I was especially disappointed by his screed, late in the book, that


I was blessed with an early copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for this honest review.

(This review can also be seen on my blog @ Ok, so I…)

In this third novel by Slipknot and Stone Sour vocalist, Corey Taylor, we are taken on a witty adventure into into his brain as he reveals truths about the idiocy that resides in the human race. I feel that anyone who reads this book at some point can relate to (or be insulted by) the subjects discussed within. Parenting, children, the music


Jan 11, 2016

Wendy Williams

rated it
did not like it

I bought this book because of all the raving reviews but i must say that i was very disappointed. It was mostly an angry diatribe about everything that we all find annoying in our daily lives, which i usually enjoy. I felt like Corey just tried to hard to sound much more intellectual than would be necessary for such a subject matter. If any of you readers are familiar with the rambling, nonsensical «final thought» on the old Jerry Springer show, then you’ll know what i’m talking about. I also


Jun 22, 2015


rated it
really liked it

There’s a passing reference Corey Taylor makes about this book that sums it up probably more succinctly and accurately than I could: «This is indeed my Angry Old Man book.»

So with that, a quick — and unsurprising — disclaimer: if you’re easily offended, probably not the book for you. Corey is quick to point out the human race are assholes and no one is safe, and he means it.

And with that comes the inevitable problem of hearing someone complain about something you’re not 100% on board with, kind


Nov 22, 2016

Jonathan Maas

rated it
it was amazing

First of all, what this book is not:
* Angry
* A Thomas Ligotti diatribe against humanity
* Advocating violence or discord of any sort

What this book is:
* Hilarious
* Hilarious
* Hilarious

I was expecting a meandering reduction of humanity in its basest form, which can be entertaining at times. What I got was a non-divisive, hilarious rant on annoying features about humans, but no specifics about individual humans themselves.

A chapter on people who don’t use their turn signals?

It’s hard to take offense


Dec 12, 2016


rated it
liked it

When I first saw that Corey Taylor wrote a book (yes I know he already wrote several but somehow I never knew this) and it’s called «You’re making me hate you» I was so excited and directly had to buy it. So you can imagine my expectations were really high that this book was funny, agressiv and honest.
Starting to read it, unfortunately I didn’t find it funny. It was interesting, sometimes it was amusing, but really funny? No. I understand why people say it’s hilarious and shocking, but for me it


Oct 08, 2015


rated it
did not like it

Now I consider myself a pretty big fan of Slipknot, so after hearing great reviews about the some of Corey Taylor’s writing I decided to give this book a try. I may still take a stab at reading one of his other books because I really want to like his writing and give it a second chance, but I need time to recover from this hot mess of a book. This book was just a bunch of rants about how much more intelligent Taylor finds himself to be over the rest of us plebians, and while I found his colorful


This book basically echoes all my sentiments in a way that only someone as brazen and articulate as Corey Taylor is capable of.

From the sad state of the music industry to the parents who are leashing their children, nothing is off limits.

The thing I love most about Corey’s books is that he doesn’t just give you his opinion, he tells you why he has that opinion. He could have stopped at «pop music is shallow rubbish» and few of us would have disagreed with him, but that would just be too easy.


Jun 10, 2017


rated it
did not like it

I love snarky books, comedy books, clever social commentary. I thought I’d like this one after a coworker loaned it to me. But no. I couldn’t even finish it. I read through chapter five and was really put off by the constant negative trashing. I like funny foul-mouthed cleverness but this was just a windbag in love with his many was to say crass things and rip on everyone. Boring and real lack of wit.

Bravo mr. Taylor. Another great book.

I agreed on basically everything except hating fall out boy. They are totally overplayed and I get it, but they still have talent and actually write their songs.

Corey has such a wonderful way of writing. My face changes every sentence. I am either laughing, angry or intently paying attention.

Corey is awesome. The end

Jul 12, 2015


rated it
it was amazing

I loved it! Corey Taylor makes you laugh, yet he always makes a point. I look forward to reading his books.

Apr 08, 2018


rated it
did not like it

You kind of get the point by chapter 5. Ironically, this book made me hate him a little bit.

May 27, 2017


rated it
really liked it

I havent been everywhere, but Ive been to enough wheres to know that Earth has pockets of stupid popping up north, south, east, and west. From the equator to the prime meridiandumb does not so easily wash off.

One should NOT read this book at a public place, for example a nice, quiet hipster cafe. While drinking beer. You’ll just end up laughing so hard you’ll look positively stupid with beer bursting from your nostrils. The intro alone made me laugh for 15 minutes straight. After finishing the


4,5/5. This book just played with my feelings all reading long. It made me laugh, made me angry and made me happy that I’m not alone thinking that way. Funny but a deeper true behind every aspect of it, that makes you think, if you’re willing to give some energy to it, about people, society and just how crazily we are just destroying and loosing sight of everything that’s important. I was curious to see what Corey Taylor could create has an author and I wasn’t disappointed. Interesting!

Feb 07, 2019


rated it
liked it

I thought I was pretty bad when it came to ranting and raging. However, I think Corey Taylor has me beat.

This books basically details what makes Corey Taylor angry with the human race. The short answer; they suck. The long answer; chapters of ranting, raging, and some pretty funny stories.

Funny read. Corey Taylor is definitely the King of ranting.

This was hilarious and agreed with Mr Taylor on so many of his points. he presented his opinions clearly and intelligently yes at points he probably does get pretty rambly but I think that shows passion. I adore this man.
recommend wether your a fan of his bands or not. it’s a great time.

Once again, Corey Taylor does not disappoint!

This is the third book I have read by Taylor and the first I didnt do as an audio book. Since I received an early copy through NetGalley, listening to Taylor rant at the top of his lungs was not an option.

But it would have been funny as hell.

Youre Making Me Hate You takes a cranky look at the state of the world and the human race. Taylor rants on everything from the music industry to the behavior of children. From travelling in airports to fashion


May 03, 2016


rated it
it was ok

Recommends it for:
any insecure people

After a long long wait, It was with great excitement that I finally
could put my hands on this book, as a big fan of Slipknot & Stone Sour
for many years, I couldn’t wait to read it. Well, here’s my review:

The first few chapters are there to grab the reader, and hell, it worked…
I admit it was hilarious. Even though the Charles and Janice tale felt
way too improbable and explosive to be real.

While I agree with the points made in the book, media, the music industry,
reality TV, social


Aug 03, 2018

Alex Shrugged

rated it
did not like it

His humor is not for me.

I don’t mind some cursing. I’ve heard the F-word so many times, I’m thinking of naming one of my children after it. That is not the problem. The first story of the author’s life is about how he took a heroine addict home in a taxi cab, but before they got there, the addict had to vomit. They stopped the cab, and the author escorted the heroine addict down a dark street so that the poor guy could ralph on someone’s lawn. Then the man pulled down his pants (unsuccessfully)


Jun 07, 2015


rated it
really liked it

I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Here’s the disclaimer right away. If you’re easily offended odds are you’re going to hate this book because you’ll probably see yourself a lot in these pages It’s a book designed to point out mankind’s flaws and Corey Taylor does this in a way that will make you both laugh out loud and growl in frustration because you’ll agree with him more often than you’ll disagree with him.

This is for the intelligent people. We need a book


May 11, 2015

Jessica White

rated it
really liked it

I was lucky enough to receive another Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review! You’re Making Me Hate You is the latest and greatest book by Slipknot’s front man Corey Taylor. Not being a major fan of Slipknot, I didn’t know what to expect going into this book, but Corey Taylor definitely blew me away. This man took the time to write an ENTIRE book on the ignorant things people in today’s


Feb 20, 2018

Tre Talbot

rated it
really liked it

Ive known that Cory Taylor, lead singer of Slipknot and Stone Sour has written a few books but this is my first of his and I must say that I know hes an intelligent man when it comes to lyrics but was pleasantly surprised to see him express himself chapter after chapter. This book is a in your face, I dont care how youll look at me afterwards Im speaking my mind type read and bravo Mr. Taylor for not backing down. Were given brutal honesty mixed with some hilarious moments and past experiences.


Jan 01, 2017


rated it
it was ok

I listened to this on audiobook. It was narrated by the author.
I have to admit that I was drawn to this book my its title and cover. Both made me laugh because I’m a bit of a misanthrope. I had no idea who the author was and when I found out the Slipknot connection, it had no impact on me, as I have never heard their music and knew nothing about them.
Unfortunately, this book was not nearly as amusing as I hoped it to be. There was a lot of rambling, a fair dose of narcissism, and passages of


Jun 23, 2017

Luke Rigley

rated it
did not like it

A few good jokes and anecdotes in the opening chapters but quickly devolves into self indulgent whinging and carping on about how stupid people are without giving any actual solutions to the problem, or doing it in a funny enough way for me to enjoy it.

A surprisingly boring book.


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Jacob Banks — Like You’ll Never See Me Again

Like You’ll Never See Me Again — Single

Rhye Beautiful

Rhye — Beautiful

Beautiful — Single

Jessie Ware Save A Kiss (Single Edit)

Jessie Ware — Save A Kiss (Single Edit)

Save A Kiss (Single Edit) — Single

Adam Trigger Another Day in Paradise

Adam Trigger — Another Day in Paradise

Another Day in Paradise — Single

Drenchill Forever Summer (feat. Indiiana)

Drenchill — Forever Summer (feat. Indiiana)

Forever Summer (feat. Indiiana) — Single

Ant+Shift Source Code (feat. PLEXXAGLASS)

Ant+Shift — Source Code (feat. PLEXXAGLASS)

Source Code (feat. PLEXXAGLASS) — Single

Chris Brown & Young Thug Go Crazy

Chris Brown & Young Thug — Go Crazy

Slime & B

Анна Плетнёва «Винтаж» & Влад Топалов Песенка Панды и Попугая (Мир обнять)

Анна Плетнёва «Винтаж» & Влад Топалов — Песенка Панды и Попугая (Мир обнять)

Песенка Панды и Попугая (Мир обнять) — Single

Скоро на сайте…

Книга кори тейлора you re making me hate you

Joji — Nectar

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The Killers — Imploding the Mirage

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HEARTSNOW — Занавешен — EP

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Norah Jones — Pick Me Up off the Floor

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Khruangbin — Mordechai

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Сабрина — Bibi

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Gregory Porter — All Rise (Deluxe)

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The Hunna — I’d Rather Die Than Let You In

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Gabby Barrett — Goldmine

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Flying Lotus — Flamagra (Deluxe Edition)

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Zella Day — Where Does The Devil Hide — EP

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Temnein — Tales: Of Humanity and Greed

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The Wise Man’s Fear — Valley of Kings

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Firewind — Firewind

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HASH TAG — Wigger

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Леля — Read Between the Ribs — EP

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MURDA KILLA — Один Ноль Пять

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Tanir & Tyomcha — До мурашек

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Lady Gaga — Chromatica

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Diplo — Diplo Presents Thomas Wesley, Chapter 1: Snake Oil

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OneRepublic — Human (Deluxe)

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HAIM — Women In Music Pt. III

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Asking Alexandria — Like a House On Fire

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Moby — All Visible Objects

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PVRIS — Use Me

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Jessie Ware — What’s Your Pleasure?

Книга кори тейлора you re making me hate you

Alicia Keys — ALICIA

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Lamb of God — Lamb of God

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KALEO — Surface Sounds

Книга кори тейлора you re making me hate you

Kelly Lee Owens — Inner Song

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