Тони и кори хотлайн майами

«Чувак, эта вечеринка отстой. Я, бля, ненавижу этих людей.»
— Тони

Тони (или Тигр) — играбельный персонаж в Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number и антагонист линии Сына. Член группы Фанатов. Даётся игроку вторым. Разблокировать Тони можно, завершив главу Down Under.

Обзор Править

Тони носит маску, которая была надета на связанного мужчину в оригинальной игре (Tension). Тони одет в чёрную футболку, серые военные штаны, ковбойские сапоги со шпорами, жёлто-коричневый бронежилет и наколенники. На руках — чёрные спортивные перчатки и шипованные кастеты.


1985 год Править

Тони был солдатом армии США. Во время Советско-Американской войны нёс службу на Гавайских Островах. Семнадцатого марта он встречается с остальными Фанатами в баре, пока Эван опрашивает на улице его командира. Тони, в отличие от сидящих рядом Марка и Кори, пьёт пиво у кассы.

Конец октября-ноябрь 1991 года Править

Тридцать первое октября. Тони появляется на хэллоуинской вечеринке Фанатов. Он сидит на диване между Эшем и Кори, вновь с пивом. Тони говорит, что большую часть гостей он просто ненавидит. Когда Марк предлагает ему прокатиться по городу, Тони отвечает согласием: у него нет причин отказываться.

Одиннадцатое ноября. Тони может появиться в баре у Хэнка. После тяжёлой попойки он сидит, хватаясь руками за голову.

Двадцать второе ноября. Когда Фанаты выполняют просьбу Энди, Тони вовсе не участвует в убийстве Приспешника или же лишь наблюдает. Герой желает насладиться зрелищем, или, быть может, просто сдерживается, уступая другим Фанатам.

Начало декабря 1991 года Править

Во время штурма высокого здания полного русскими гангстерами, каждый фанат атакует свой этаж с целью попасть на крышу. Фанаты хотели поддерживать связь по рации, но эта схема провалилась.

Тони выжил после атаки Сына, и позже его находит детектив Пардо, окруженного бойцами SWAT в компании с телами Марка и Кори. Когда детектив входит в комнату, Тони говорит, что cдается, но Пардо стреляет ему в голову .

Стиль игры Править

Тони — играбельный персонаж; его особенностью является возможность убивать любых врагов с помощью рукопашных атакзахватов. Однако он не может подбирать любое холодное или огнестрельное оружие. Схожий геймплей наблюдается у Сына при выборе техники «Грязные руки».

Тони не может поднимать оружие, в отличие от Джекета с маской Тони, зато он может сбивать с ног головорезов и добивать их.

Босс Править

В галлюцинациях Сына Тони выглядит как огромный тигр с накачанными человеческими руками и чёрной курткой. Чтобы его победить, необходимо успеть выстрелить в него, пока он выпрыгивает на вас.


Интересные факты Править

  • Тони равнодушен к Джекету и его делам, он стал членом группы Фанатов только ради адреналина.
  • Возможно, Тони и Эш являются членами банды, так как в Outro уровня «Moving Up» Эш упоминает, что Энди у него в долгу, и они могут бесплатно починить у него машину — значит, оба Фаната лично его знают.
  • Ковбойские сапоги Тони — отсылка разработчиков к персонажу по имени Llewellyn Moss из фильма «Старикам тут не место».
  • Маска Тони присутствует в игре PAYDAY 2.
    • Чтобы открыть данную маску, необходимо купить Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number в Steam.
  • Согласно концептам, Тони задумывался как лидер команды Фанатов, а его маска действительно принадлежала Джекету — главному герою оригинальной игры.
  • Тони — единственный играбельный персонаж, которым нельзя управлять вне миссий.
  • Тони — единственный персонаж, заточенный исключительно под активный стиль игры.
  • В эпилоге «Death Wish» Тони держит за плечо Кори и гладит её по голове; можно предположить, что герои состояли в близких отношениях.
  • В том же эпилоге: смерть Тони является своеобразным «отражением» гибели Приспешеника в главе «Execution». Во-первых, Тони — единственный Фанат, который не был непосредственно причастен к убийству, как и Сын, который не убивал Тони собственноручно. Во-вторых, оба умирали в окружении своих соратников. В-третьих, и Приспешник, и Тони надеялись на милость: первый просил Фанатов позвонить Мэри, которая смогла бы отвезти его домой, а второй умолял Мэнни Пардо просто арестовать его. В-четвёртых, оба умирают на руках у людей, их нашедших.
  • Если вы выберете Тони для прохождения уровня «Into the Pit», вместо него в кат-сцене появится Марк.

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, если не указано иное.


Corey’s unmasked facial sprite, as seen in the Level Editor.

Corey, also known as The Zebra, is a playable character in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number and is the first playable member of the Fans. Corey has the ability to dodge roll, and wears a Miami Dolphins jacket (compared to Jacket’s possible high school varsity jacket).

Events in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Edit

1985 Edit

On March 17th, Corey is seated in the military tiki bar eating pizza next to a laughing Mark, the two being the only ones wearing sunglasses. She’s separated a good distance from the Swans by a cash register.

Late October, November 1991 Edit

On October 31st, at the Fans’ Halloween party, Corey is seated at the end of the couch, again eating pizza. After Tony and Ash express hatred for the party and its guests, she’s given an awkward pause, implying discomfort. When Mark asks if they want to «do it» tonight, Ash is excited and Tony doesn’t see why not. Mark asks if the guns are in the car, prompting Corey to comment «So we are actually doing this?» leading Mark to awkwardly pause.

On November 11th, Corey can appear in the Hank’s bar easter egg, seated next to Tony but scooted away from the table alone, giving a shrugging animation.

On November 22nd or soon after, Corey hits the Russian Henchman with a pipe, possibly intending to kill him in one swing. After he continues talking, Mark and Alex mutilate his right hand and crotch, and Corey beats Henchman’s head in twice more, hitting it again when the brain and blood vessels inside are still pulsating.

December 1991 Edit

On December 2nd, the player takes control of Corey in the Fans’ hideout, where she reads a newspaper article dated April 4th, 1990, on the different feelings people took out of the San Francisco incident. The Fans decide on a location entirely without her input, and she starts the van.

On December 9th, she’s shown shrugging at blueprints. After Mark asks if they watched the news last night and comments that they’re famous now, Corey agrees that «we got our five minutes of fame.» Tony, dissatisfied, emphasizes that it was more like two. Mark is sure they’ll run another news story on them, but Tony emphasizes they’ll have to kill more people. Corey agrees that they’d have to kill again for more fame, but is «not sure what to do about that,» and says «we can’t just go out and kill random people now, can we?»

On December 20th, Corey is the first in the Fans dream sequence to don a Richard mask and give her walkie talkie line to Mark, as she’s the floor immediately after him. In reality, as the Henchman’s cell phone rings, Ash asks Corey if he should answer it, to which she replies she doesn’t «see any reason not to.»

At the tower, Ash is trying to open the security doors, and Corey tells him to hurry up, worrying that «it’s getting pretty late» and that the mobsters «might be heading out soon.» Ash blames Corey for wasting more time with her two-hour stake out of the place, which Corey justifies with «well, we couldn’t just barge in. You gotta have a plan, you know. At least now we know where they are.» After the doors open and the Swans rush in, Corey urgently reminds Mark and Tony «don’t forget to stay in touch with walkie talkies!»

Corey’s floor, in reference to her stake out, is often considered the hardest and most requiring a plan. Upon encountering the Son, Corey apparently angles several dodge rolls at him before being shot in the stomach through her jacket. In the outro to Death Wish, a blood trail with a zebra mask leads to the room where Tony, along with Mark and Corey’s corpses, are held up. As Manny Pardo enters, Tony can be seen with his right hand under Corey’s head, an open jacket revealing she bled out through her stomach.

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Corey is resting her leg on the table in the Table Sequence. She, along with the non-Tony Fans, doesn’t say anything during the sequence. Her corpse remains in its chair but features her entrails bursting through her jacket, which is far gorier than her corpse in Death Wish’s outro. The resting-leg-on-table sprite is similar to the ones used for a sunbathing Jacket and a drinking Colonel in the intro to Stronghold.

Playstyle Edit

Roll Dodge

Overall, she has average aim speed and has a headbash default execution. She is extremely agile and has the ability to Roll Dodge. This allows her to roll and dive, similar to The Son’s technique Bodyguard, becoming temporally invulnerable while rolling under gunfire, avoiding melee attacks and knocking enemies back when entering a room. Unlike The Son, however, she doesn’t start with a katana at the beginning of each level she is playable in.

While rolling, she cannot attack, but can do so immediately out of the roll. There is a short delay after the roll has finished in which she cannot roll again, meaning that she cannot constantly repeat this move to achieve a continuous state of invulnerability. The roll can be extended by holding down the execution button, where instead of doing one roll, she does a total of 3, or two if you let go of the button before the second one finishes. She will, however, stop on right before her next roll if her path is blocked by a wall or otherwise, regardless if you hold down the button or not. If you roll while not moving, she will default to rolling directly to the right.

Combat dodge aside, her playstyle is similar to that of Jacket’s default playstyle (when he is wearing the Richard mask). «Fast and Flexible,» Corey’s the only one of the Fans who can freely change weapons at any point in a level.

Her dodge roll was originally coupled with the ability to pick multiple entrances to levels and enter rooms through windows. This feature was scrapped for the final game for not being fun enough. This ability is vaguely referenced during the Son’s hallucinations in Apocalypse where she uses it to attack the Son from various directions.

Tactics Edit

Roll Dodge can be deployed in any direction and — barring the completion of the RD animation — it will last as long as the player holds the action button for it. Ground executions are mapped to the same key as RD, so «starfished» knocked-down enemies should be ignored unless they’re about to pick up a firearm — if they are about to pick up a fire arm, picking it up first and roll dodging away is preferable to the gamble of immobility. RD will roll under Thugs, but not through Thugs immediately on the other side of a door (don’t RD through «blocked» doors). RD cannot roll under Dogs. RD will not roll under shotgun blasts fired dead-on (i.e., you’re rolling directly towards the gunman), but will roll under blasts at angles. A successful RD near an alerted enemy with a Double Barrel will always render the weapon completely empty.

Enemies using automatic weapons such as Uzis, AKs, and M16s are prime targets for RD, and will afford the player a large amount of ammo if the gunman/men are knocked down or killed immediately out of RD. On Corey’s Death Wish floor, particularly Hard Mode, it’s required to do this and use the automatic fire to deal with both the mob accrued during RD and the enemies along the outer ring of the floor.

RD can be quickly deployed in the *opposite* direction as well. The first floor of Hard Mode’s Moving Up highlights a Tony-like attribute of RD where it can be employed in spooking and luring over much longer distances in cases where an advancing RD like the ones in Death Wish would be suicidal due to placement of Thugs and gunmen.

List of killed victims Edit

This is a compiled list of how many kills Corey has performed in the series. Kills in Bold are unclear and merely up to interpretation. This assumes Corey is used on all Fan missions:

  • The Henchman (shared with Alex, Ash and Mark)
  • Blue Lips (possibly shared with the other Fans)
  • 110 gang members (including Thugs)
  • At least 21 Russian Mobsters (including Thugs)
  • 10 dogs
  • Possibly numerous Russian Soldiers

Overall, Corey has killed 142 enemies (143 if you count Blue Lips).

Trivia Edit

  • Corey has many obvious similarities to Don Juan, and is explicitly labeled as Hotline 2’s Don Juan in Dennis Wedin’s art book. Both are equine masked women connected to Jacket, and both regularly advise caution.
  • At release, Corey’s shoe sprites were always the exact same color as her skin, leading to fan conceptions that she’s barefoot. Some (but not all) of her sprites were later color corrected in a patch with more explicitly white shoes, with the tanned sprites being explained as dirt by Dennis Wedin.
  • She and Mark are the only members of the Fans who can throw weapons.
  • Corey seems to have the fewest ideas and least enthusiasm in the group. She’s often silent, eating pizza, or given a shrugging animation. In Death Wish, she winds up emphasizing safety and delays the mission 2 hours, but ironically dies from a gunshot wound to the stomach as she’s the only one not wearing protective armor.
  • According to her mask in PAYDAY 2, Corey is described as fast, agile, and cunning. She is also described as not being peaceful, gentle, or herbivorous (in this case, vegan).

    Dennis Wedin’s art planned for the Gamer Edition.

  • Corey is likely based on fans who enjoyed the 80’s aesthetic (and jackets) of Hotline Miami.
  • Corey’s top-down hair sprite in Death Wish has a visible part that is also present in drawings of her in the art book of Hotline Miami 2′s Gamer Edition. This is absent from or otherwise much less exaggerated in her Level Editor facial sprite.
  • Corey is possibly a partial reference to Pris from Blade Runner. Both are associated with mannequins, both decorate themselves in white with black stripes, and both die in an extremely agile attack involving flipping head over heels toward a man armed with a pistol, before being shot by the man in the stomach. The character of Roy Batty mourns over her corpse before himself dying, similar to Tony in the outro to Death Wish. Manny Pardo also wears a leather jacket similar to Detective Deckard. Her crashing through several window panes in Apocalypse could also be seen as an allusion to Deckard killing Zhora earlier in the film.
  • Corey and Alex are the only female playable characters in the series. They’re also the first two playable characters the player takes control of after the Midnight Animal intro: Alex in the Down Under intro and Corey in the Down Under level.
  • She is the only member of the fans who can preform the commonplace head-bashing execution.
  • Corey may be left handed, mixed-handed or ambidextrous. Upon starting a level, most of the time Corey be dominant with her left hand, while sometimes upon starting a level she will use her right hand instead, it is unknown if this is a glitch or is extra proof for her being ambidextrous, not left handed.
  • It is possible that Corey and Tony have a closer relationship than the other Fans (excluding Alex and Ash as they’re siblings). Corey and Tony sit next to each other at the party when they are first introduced. They also sit next to each other opposite Alex and Ash in the Bar of Broken Heroes during Evan’s meeting with the Biker. Corey and Tony also stand closely next to each other in the intro of Death Wish. And Corey is being cradled as she dies by Tony in the outro of Death Wish.
    • The only time they don’t show attachment is during the Soldier intro when the Fans are in the same place as Soldier/Beard and Jacket in Hawaii, where Corey is eating pizza.
  • She is depicted in the Digital Comicdifferently; wearing black low Converses, saffron pants, no knee protectors and a different Miami Dolphins jacket to that worn in-game. She is also shown to own a Katana in the comic. It could have been removed from the game for balancing purposes, most especially since her and the rest of the fans are playable rather early in the game.
  • Corey appears to wear a purple sports bra; which is shown when she has her jacket occasionally open, although it’s more noticeable in her demise.
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Фанаты (ранее Отряд Дельта) — группа ветеранов, которые идут по стопам Джекета, спустя два года после событий оригинального Hotline Miami. Они служат главными протагонистами первой половины Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, представляя новый сеттинг 1991 года наравне с Мэнни Пардо и Мартином Брауном.

5 из 12 первых уровней посвящены фанатам. Также, они служат второстепенными антагонистами в сюжете за Сына.

Сильно ослабшая деятельность русской мафии в 1991 году в Майами заставила их бесцельно импровизировать убийства, и они быстро оказывали услуги своим друзьям, которые часто имели слабые связи с бандитами.

Фанаты носят персонализированные маски животных (за исключением Тони, который, кажется, обладает уникальной потрепанной маской самого Джекета), и украли старый фургон «Phone Hom», который они пометили символом 50 Благословений и словом «Attack».


Фанаты — банда убийц, которая видит в Джекете героя и пытается подражать ему. Их история развивается после событий оригинальной игры. Они пытаются использовать его же тактику, чтобы в последствии так же прославиться. К сожалению для них, Джекет боролся с русской мафией, поэтому загадочные звонки ему поступали, а фанаты убивают случайно попавшихся бандитов, надеясь, что их заметят СМИ и звонки вернутся.


Кори (Зебра)Править

Перекат Кори

Первый играбельный фанат. Она очень ловкая и имеет способность к Перекату. Это позволяет ей кувыркаться и пикировать, становясь временно неуязвимой, прокатываясь под пулями, избегая атак ближнего боя и вырубая врагов при входе в комнату. Кори носит куртку Майами Долфинс, штаны цвета хаки и фиолетовые наколенники.

Тони (Тигр)Править

Его кулаки смертельны, но он не может (или не хочет) использовать никакое оружие, кроме собственных кулаков. Он может убивать жирных врагов, сначала сбивая их с ног, а затем добивая их на земле, а также ловить собак, хоть и с затянутой анимацией убийства. Он носит черную футболку, бронежилет, наколенники и ковбойские ботинки. Его маска состоит из природных цветов «опасности», красного и оранжевого, и, возможно, украдена у Джекета.

Алекс и Эш (Лебеди)Править

Сестра и брат, носят лебединые маски и всегда действуют в паре. Алекс (сестра) вооружена бензопилой, Эш — огнестрельным оружием.

Марк (Медведь)Править

Человек в маске медведя, начинает уровень с двумя пистолетами-пулемётами с дополнительной обоймой, имеет способность стрелять одновременно влево и вправо, разводя руки в стороны.


Русско-Гавайская войнаПравить

До того как Тони, Марк, Алекс, Эш и Кори стали Фанатами, они воевали на Гавайях в Отряде Дельта. По словам их командира, они были не очень хорошо подготовлены, нежели элитный отряд.

Во время войны у Фанатов погибло много друзей, о чём свидетельствует диалог на уровне Stronghold.

Количество жертв Править

  • 7 грабителей в цифровом комиксе.
  • 17 бандитов на уровне Down Under.
  • 34 бандита и 2 собаки на уровне Moving Up.
  • 29 бандитов и Приспешник на уровне Execution.
  • 22 бандита, 5 собак и 2 головореза на уровне Into the Pit
  • 77 гангстеров, 10 головорезов и 5 собак на уровне Death Wish.

В сумме — 7 грабителей, 102 бандита, 77 гангстеров, 12 головорезов, 12 собак и Прихвостень.

Итог: 211 жертв.

 Связанные достижения Править

  1. Фантастика — откройте всех Фанатов.
  2. Фанатик — пройти уровень, играя за каждого Фаната.

Факты Править

  • Из-за перевода игры на русский пол Алекс и Эша иногда путался.
  • Фургон Фанатов — переделанный автомобиль компании Phone Hom с нарисованным знаком 50 Благословений — кругом, перечёркнутым тремя линиями.
  • По изначальной задумке авторов лидером Фанатов должен был быть Тони.
  • Возможно в отряде Дельта было 29 солдат: 21 труп в бассейне, 5 сбежавших солдатов (фанаты), 3 солдата в аутро Stronghold. Это не считая солдат после уровня Casualitis


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, если не указано иное.


Tony’s unmasked facial sprite, as seen in the Level Editor.

Tony, also known as The Tiger, is a playable character in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. He is a member of The Fans, and is the second playable fan and is unlocked upon completion of the level Down Under.

Along with the mask, he also wears a black t-shirt along with tan body armor and knee pads, as well as grey combat pants and cowboy boots with spurs. His hands sport black gloves and spiked knuckles.

Events in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Edit

1985 Edit

Tony was a US soldier stationed in the volcanic region of Hawaii in the Soviet-American War, and on March 17th can be seen with the rest of the Fans in a tiki bar while his commander is interviewed by Evan outside. He is standing at the bar (unlike the seated Mark and Corey) drinking beer next to a cash register.

Late October, November 1991 Edit

Tony is first shown on October 31st at the Fans’ Halloween party. He is sitting, but has removed the couch cushion to sit on the springs, and is again drinking beer. He is seated between Ash and Corey. He comments that he fucking hates the people at the party. When Mark suggests going for a ride, Tony says he «doesn’t see why not» and that he’s «sick of this shit.»

On November 11th, Tony can appear in Hank’s bar, clutching his head after heavily drinking several beers.

When the Fans do a favor for Andy on November 22nd or soon after, Tony watches or otherwise doesn’t participate in the Fans’ murder of the Henchman, possibly indicating he wants action more than killing, or that he’s holding off to let the rest of the Fans get their kicks.

Early December 1991 Edit

On December 2nd, Tony is sitting at the end of the couch alone — for the first and only time, he’s seated on a cushion, perhaps his response to Henchman’s murder or Mark’s new shipment of guns — again drinking beer. He seems interested that they’re «going somewhere special tonight,» but after hearing the job from Jack berates Ash for giving them another «house call.» He further criticizes the apparent heroism in the job, saying «I didn’t sign up to be no hero, rescuing women and shit… that’s not my thing. I just want some action.» After Alex is adamant to take the job and get out of the hideout, Tony quickly jumps in to come along as well, saying that it isn’t his problem if anything happens to the girl.

Notably, Moving Up is Tony’s first available mission (though its VHS art depicts the shadows of the Swans). The first two floors are fairly straightforward for both Alex and Tony, but the top floor features several blind runs with armed enemies, culminating in an armed and terrified Jack’s sister forcing the player Fan to back off and leave without her. This moment is perhaps foreshadowing for Tony’s meeting Manny Pardo in Death Wish.

After the job, the van breaks down and an anxious Tony in the driver’s seat pushes Ash to fix it faster, worrying about cops coming by and seeing them like this. Ash says he’s been telling Tony to get the van fixed, but Tony says it isn’t his job or his van. Ash tells him to just fucking do it and to cash in their favor with Andy. A worried Tony says he’ll get it done tomorrow if Ash gets the van moving.

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On December 9th, Tony is standing by the table, leaning over blueprints, which he seems to be the most interested in. After Mark and Corey express that they’re famous now and have gotten their five minutes of fame, Tony corrects them that it was «more like two.» Alex wonders if Mark could call the news station for a copy, as she’d pay big bucks for one, and Tony sarcastically adds «why don’t you call the police and turn yourself in while you’re at it?» Mark says they’ll get another news story eventually, but Tony corrects him that they’ll have to off more people. After Alex gives her job suggestion, Tony again berates her as wanting to go treasure hunting for more drugs. Again, Tony has nothing better set up and they go on the job.

If the player Fan is anyone except Tony, Tony will be the one who checked the back-room and found nothing. If Tony is the player Fan, Mark will have checked the back-room and found nothing. This is possibly an indication that Tony is creeped out by Into the Pit.

Late December, 1991 Edit

On December 20th, Tony along with the rest of the Fans gets a feeling they’re about to make a mistake. In the dream, Tony puts the Richard mask on third after carefully examining it (foreshadowing how he’s the third Fan to fight the Son and the only one with enough awareness to survive). His line in the dream is the same as his radio message upon clearing his floor: «All clear on my end, I think. Wait… what was that? I think I just heard something!» (This parallels the the player Fan’s feeling in Into the Pit.)

He wonders where Ash got a cell phone (perhaps because he wasn’t part of the Henchman’s execution) before Ash answers and gets an address to a mob location. Before storming the tower, Corey insists on a two hour stake out, and Ash takes a long time trying to open the security door.

Corey worries that the mob could be heading out soon, to which Ash points out she’s delayed going in more than he has. Corey justifies that they had to have a plan to know where the Russians were, prompting an awkward pause from Tony, which he himself breaks with «just fucking open this thing, will ya?» Ash taunts Tony that he’ll let him take over opening the security doors, causing Tony to back off and awkwardly pause.

Before heading into the tower, Tony insists to a worried Mark that it isn’t that far a jump from the roof to the other buildings, but jokes that Mark might have some trouble with it «big guy.»

After clearing his floor, Tony has a showdown with the Son where he tries to alert the Son into hastily running behind Tony’s cover. The Son holds off, however, causing a frustrated Tony to charge him and be glanced with shotgun pellets.

Tony survives the attack and is later found by Detective Pardo, holding out in a room surrounded by SWAT, accompanied by the motionless bodies of Mark (severe head wound) and Corey (severe wound to the stomach). Tony has his right hand under Corey’s head before Detective Manny Pardo bypasses police command and enters the room Tony is in. Tony stands up, surrendering, saying «Don’t shoot. I give up. I’m through with this. Just arrest me and get this over with, OK? I’m done fighting. …»

Pardo deduces from the fact that Tony’s still wearing his mask that he wants his 15 minutes of fame, asking «you know what happens to thugs like you?» before shooting Tony in the head.

Playstyle Edit

Tony’s punches are lethal, but he cannot pick up any weapons at all — unlike the first game’s Tony Mask and its lethal punches. Similar to The Son’s technique Dirty Hands, he is able to kill fat enemies by first knocking to the floor and then performing a ground execution, as well as being able to perform ground executions on dogs. His execution animation for Dogs consist of him catching them mid-lunge before pinning them to the floor and finishing them off with a punch to the head. Against Thugs, he knocks them down before finishing them off with a fatal knee to the face. With standard enemies that were knocked over by doors, he simply mounts them and then punches them in the face twice.

Tactics Edit

Similar to Biker, Tony’s lack of range means he’s occasionally required to use luring tactics (spooking/peekaboo/cornering). Tony players should peek through corners and choke-points to draw enemies into the range of his fists. The order of enemy drawing is important as Thugs and lunging Dogs will yield an elongated execution animation that leaves Tony vulnerable to other attacks. Attacking charging Dogs diagonally can reduce the likelihood of the elongated animation. Combos can be strung up if Tony charges enemies that are lined up in clusters or lines, but enemy fire can still pass through these mobs and hit Tony. 

List of killed victims Edit

This is a compiled list of how many kills Tony has performed in the series. Kills in Bold are unclear and merely up to interpretation. This assumes Tony is chosen for all Fan levels:

  • Blue Lips (possibly shared with the other Fans)
  • 110 gang members (including Thugs)
  • At least 21 Russian Mobsters (including Thugs)
  • 8 dogs
  • Possibly numerous Russian Soldiers

Overall, Tony has killed 139 enemies (140 if you count Blue Lips).

Trivia Edit

  • Tony’s cowboy boots were inspired by the character Llewellyn Moss from No Country For Old Men.
  • According to concept art, Tony is «The leader!» and lies that his mask actually used to be Jacket’s tiger mask.
  • Tony has no technical skills or job and is just in it for some action, a likely jab at the players who choose him.
  • Tony is the only playable character in the series the player never takes control of outside a mission.
  • Tony is the only one in the group angling explicitly for action. Alex is similarly looking for action but also uses the killings to score drugs.
  • He is depicted as completely bald on his overhead sprites, but his facial sprites depict him with a buzzcut.
  • The tiger mask that Tony wears isn’t the one formerly worn by Jacket: the «original» one can be seen during Jacket’s trial, gathered with other masks as evidence.
  • During the epilogue of Death Wish, Tony cradles Corey’s head in his right hand, possibly suggesting that they had a close relationship.
  • In the same epilogue, Tony’s death mirrors that of The Henchman in Execution in a number of ways. For one, Tony was the only Fan that wasn’t directly involved in the killing of Henchman, just as The Son wasn’t the one who killed Tony. Both also had their dead allies nearby, the Russian-affiliated gang with the Henchman and Corey and Mark with Tony. Another similarity is the fact that both wanted to leave, Henchman asking The Fans to call Mary to come take him home, and Tony begging Manny Pardo to simply arrest him, with both dying at the hands of the one who found them.
  • If you play as Tony in Into the Pit, it will be Mark who will instead come and tell you he already checked the sewers.
  • Tony may be a reference to the character Tony The Tiger, the mascot for the Kellogg cereal, Frosted Flakes.
